Five Steps To Becoming A Better Developer
There's no such thing as a unicorn
This post was turned into a talk.
1. Realize there are no silver bullets or unicorns.
Similar to imposter syndrome, it is important to know that your unique talents are to be valued. We all have different skills from various backgrounds. This is something to be celebrated and embraced by all developers. It’s important to realize that your background allows you to have a perspective that others cannot. Whether you’ve just written your first Hello World, or you are a seasoned dev, you have a unique take and that is worth celebrating.
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Training Like An Astronaut
Preparing for life should be taken seriously.
In 2012 the astronauts aboard the International Space Station were awakened in the middle of the night by a fire alarm. All six of the crew members on board quickly, but not rushed, made their way to Russian part of the space station to assess the situation and fight the fire. Thankfully this was an instrumentation failure and there was no fire aboard and all were able to go back to sleep.
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A Plan For Deploy
Deploying our new TrackIR Site.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about decision fatigue. So when this last week we got the thumbs up from the CEO and were ready to deploy our new site, I wanted to make sure that the deploy went as smooth as possible and kept decision fatigue in mind.
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Maybe I'll Write Something
...just maybe...
So, here’s the truth…
I’ve written lots of things, several of them were actually pretty good. Years ago I used to write a blog. Years ago I used to care how many people read it. Years ago I used to wonder if people liked me. I’ve changed.
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